Private inhouse training for your team.
Staff Training NI specialises in creating headache free bespoke training packages for organisations. It's all about maximizing the benefit to you by giving you exactly what you want and removing all the fluff you don't need. You can choose from any of our course titles and create a tailored experience for your team, that incorporates your policies, and reflects the needs of the recipients of your service.
Create Custom Study Days and Mix & Match our Courses
Already know what you're looking for? Go to our Course Catalogue
For most of our course titles, you simply book our time and select how you want to fill it. The price is based on the time we are with you.
The longer we spend with you the cheaper it gets per hour.
You can book a single session, duplicate same day sessions or combine multiple different topics into a study day.
Then choose where you want it. Your place? Our place? Online? Blended?
Next, let us know how many staff require training and we'll agree maximum numbers in each class.
Finally, we'll go through any bespoke requests you may have including local policy you would like incorporated and we build your final session.
How it works
Follow these few simple steps to get exactly what you need for your team. We do all the heavy lifting so you don't have to.
- Choose the topics you need covered from our extensive course catalogue.
- Tell us how many staff need the training.
- Tell us where you would like the training to happen.
- We'll structure your study days in the most cost efficient way possible.
- We can handle all scheduling and invites at no extra cost if you choose.
- The Trainer will contact you prior to the event to discuss any bespoke requests you may have such as:
- Training on a specific piece of equipment.
- Advice on a specific issue the team has faced.
- Incorporation of a specific local policy.
- Tailoring of case studies and course activities to be relevant to the service recipient population.
- Receive your training.
- We handle all the paperwork and certification and provide you with a comprehensive training report.
Exceptions to the rule
Some of our courses can't be combined or charged by time due to constraints around course duration, resource requirement, or external accreditation by third party awarding body. These include:
- OSCE Preparation for Overseas Nurses (4 day course).
- Clinical Simulation Courses such as: Phlebotomy & Venepuncture, Enteral Feeding, Wound Care Workshop, Managing Deteriorating Patient.
- Level 3 Awards in First Aid at Work & Emergency First Aid at Work.
- BILD Accredited Managing Behaviours of Concern & Appropriate use of Physical Interventions (MBCAPI) (3 or 4 day).
- BIIAB Vocational Qualifications e.g. Level 2/3/5 Diplomas in Health & Social Care.
Enquire about running a private onsite course